Welcome to Port City International University
ফ্যাসিবাদ বিরোধী তথ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শনী, আলোচনা সভা ও পুরষ্কার বিতরণী অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ চিত্রকর্ম, স্থিরচিত্র প্রদর্শনী এবং দেয়ালিকা উন্মোচন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ পলিথিন প্লাস্টিক বর্জন ও পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা র‍্যালি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে || 50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||
Port City International University at Chittagong Bangladesh, Best University at Chittagong Bangladesh


The Master of Business Administration (MBA), like many other reputed business schools at home and abroad, is an advanced academic program of the Department of  Business Administration, PCIU. This program will challenge you to become a better leader and teach you how you’re ready to discover new ways of thinking about your career and your life. It will demonstrate you the critical thinking skills in case analyses and other written and oral communication exercises. And you’d thrive as part of a community of  leaders who are reimagining their industries and impacting the world. The program is conducted in some sought-after major disciplines viz. Accounting, HRM, Finance and Marketing etc. according to the career preference of the students. This program will give you the understanding of organizational conflict and conflict resolution, power, and organizational politics, contemporary accounting, financing & marketing issues so as to cope effectively with these processes when confronted in "real-world" business and managerial situations.  Since the commission of the department on 17th May, 2013, a large number of graduates, from both business and non-business disciplines, have obtained MBA degree and entered into job market at home & abroad , keeping track record of well & rapid placement. They have also been able to earn reputation of quality and skilled HR demonstrating higher level job commitment, dedication,  productivity, polite and disciplined behavior at work place. One distinguished specialty of the department is its qualified faculties, some with higher research degrees, from renowned universities. Affordable study cost, well equipped class room with modern teaching aids, peaceful academic environment, disciplined campus, efficient administration, student welfare centered BoT etc. are some of the distinct features that attract students and guardians to choose PCIU for higher study as a center of excellence.

Tuition fees:

Admission Fee (non refundable): Tk.18,000.00

Tuition Fee (per credit): Tk.1600.00


Admission Requirements

> Minimum GPA 2.50 or second division in both S.S.C & H.S.C or equivalent from relevant group.

> Minimum 5 subjects in O-Level and 2 subjects in A-Level with minimum grade of B in 4 subjects and C in 3 subjects from relevant group

>Minimum secound class or GPA 2.50 or equivalent CGPA in Bachelor's degree from relevant subject/group


Credit Hours Requirements and Total Fees for MBA Program on the Basis of Academic Background and Job Experience:
Academic Background Fresh Graduates(Credit Hrs.) Total Fees 2 yrs. job Experience (Credit Hrs.) 3 yrs. job Experience (Credit Hrs.) 4 Yrs. job Experience (Credit Hrs.)
B.A, B. Com.,B. Sc. & B.S.S (Pass) 66 Tk 1,23,600.00 60 54 48
B.A./B.Sc./  B.S.S (Hons.)/M.A/M.S.S 60 Tk 1,14,000.00 54 48 42
B.Sc Engr./B. Com. (Hons)/M.Sc. 54 Tk 1,04,400.00 48 42 x
M. Com. 48 Tk 94,800.00 42 x x
M. Com.with Hons 42 Tk 85,200.00 x x x
BBA 36-48

Tk 75,600.00

Tk 94,800.00

36 x x











Note: Job experience must be business related and will be counted from the result of last degree.




Scholarship & Financial Assistance

> For meritorious and poor students from remote underdeveloped area.

> Special waiver for the children of freedom fighters

> Waiver on S.S.C. & H.S.C. results.

> Need based financial aid

Special Features

> Experienced Faculty members

> Multimedia classrooms

> Wifi campus

> Rich library facility