Welcome to Port City International University
ফ্যাসিবাদ বিরোধী তথ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শনী, আলোচনা সভা ও পুরষ্কার বিতরণী অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ চিত্রকর্ম, স্থিরচিত্র প্রদর্শনী এবং দেয়ালিকা উন্মোচন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ পলিথিন প্লাস্টিক বর্জন ও পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা র‍্যালি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে || 50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||
Port City International University

Historical Outline



Key History



Mr. AKM Enamul Hoque Shameem, founded Port City International University (PCIU) in the city of Chittagong as a private university on November 18, 2012 under private university act 2010 with the approval of Ministry of Education. The University has been established with a view to making significant contribution to the development of higher education in the country.




1st selection board held


1st batch: Faculty Training & Development Program-6 teachers


1st Summer 2013 Orientation Program: The Vice Chancellor of University of Chittagong Prof. Anwarul Azim Arif addressed the occasion as Chief Guest while the Vice Chancellor of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU) and Pro-Vice Chancellor of CUET spoke as special guests.


1st Port City News.com published


Started academic journey with 69 students of different programs. (MBA-31, BBA-9, CSE-15, English-2, Journalism-8, LLB-4)


Proposed 1st budget for FY 2013-2014


Prof. Dr. Nural Anwar joined as 1st Vice Chancellor of PCIU on August 17, 2013


Fall 2013 Orientation Program: Hon’ble Chairman of UGC (State Minister) Prof. Dr. A. K. Azad Chowdhury was present as the chief guest. Hon’ble member of UGC Prof. Dr. Atful Hye Shibly, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of CUET Prof. Dr. Md. Jahangir Alam & Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Stamford University Bangladesh Prof. Dr. M. Feroz Ahmed were present as Special Guests.


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 13636900.00 (323 students)




MoU with MIST (Military Institute of Science & Technology)


Spring 2014 Orientation Program: Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of University of Dhaka Prof. Dr. A A M S Arefin Siddique was present as chief guest and Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of CUET Prof. Dr. Md. Jahangir Alam was present as special guest.


1st Academic Council meeting held


Celebrated 1st Founding Anniversary


1st Syndicate meeting held


1st PCIU journal published


Inaugurated PCIU Medical Center


Prof. Dr. Ichiihiko Toyoda, Saga University Japan visited PCIU


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 28273100.00 (1014 students)






MoU with Noble University, Canada


Reception of UGC Chairman Prof. Abdul Mannan & Summer Orientation Program held.


Chairman, Law attended Summer School, UK


Recognition as best new university within the network of Summer School by Human Rights Summer School, UK

8-10- 2015

Association of Private Universities’ of Bangladesh (APUB) meeting held at PCIU


Hon’ble VC attended International Conference (BRICK), India


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 11762511.00 (546 students)




Inauguration of PCIU digital Library


Chittagong region’s National ICT Debate Festival-2016 held at PCIU


MoA signed between PCIU and AABL


PCIU cricket team participated in Chittagong divisional T20 cricket tournament


Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nural Anwar visited several universities of USA


International Conference on Quality for Sustainable Development (ICQSD)-2016 held


A team of PCIU participated in International Conference in Malaysia


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 13257537.00 (600 students)




1st PCIU President’s Conference-2017


Land purchase for permanent campus


20 faculties participated on training in Malaysia


Prof. Dr. Nural Anwar joined as VC of PCIU for 2nd term


1st Annual sports


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 19823145.00 (1035 students)




Professor Ranjith Wijayawardana, Hon’ble Vic Chancellor of Rajanata University of Srilanka visited PCIU


Prof. Dr. Khan Touhid Osman joined as 1st Treasurer of PCIU


Hon’ble Founder member of BoT of PCIU Alhaj Begum Ashrafunnesa passed away on May 15, 2018


PCIU Library named after Ratnagarva Begum Ashrafunnesa


Fall 2018 Orientation Program: Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Education Minister of Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was present as chief guest.


Seven members team headed by Registrar attended CLEA conference held at Mody University of Science & Technology, Rajasthan, India


Hon’ble Founder, President & Chairman Mr. AKM Enamul Hoque Shameem elected as Member of Parliament from Shariatpur-2 and also selected as Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Government of the People’s of Bangladesh


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 21498734.00 (922 students)




1st Convocation held


PCIU crowned as Champion of CJKS Inter University Football Tournament

15-11- 2019

PCDF organized National Debate Feast 2019


MoU with three Foreign Universities


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 28783520.00 (1089 students)




Annual sports at permanent campus


Nepal UGC Chairman Prof. Bhim Prasad Subedi, PhD visited PCIU


Celebration of Mujib Borsha


Establishment of Bangabondhu Corner


Handed over a cheque of Tk. 5,00,000 (Five Lac Taka Only) as donation to the Deputy Commissioner of Chattogram, Mr. Mohammad Elius Hossain, to expedite the Government initiatives taken to fight against Corona Virus.


Online Class Start (Covid-19)


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 27315266.00 (947 students)





Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 4336196.00 (498 students)


Inauguration of seven events including essay, painting and photography on the occasion of Bangabandhu's birth centenary.



International Conference on Sustainable Development in Technology for 4th Industrial Revolution-ICSDTIR-2021 held.


Mr. AKM Enamul Hoque Shameem, Founder & Chairman of PCIU distributing gifts among faculty members, officers and staffs on the occasion of celebrating Mujib centenary.


Celebrating 100th Birth Anniversary of Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

26-03-2021 Celebration of Mujib Birth Centenary and Golden Jubilee of Independence.
26-03-2021 Tk. 304000/- has been provided among 76 students in which 36 Male and 40 female students as scholarship on the occasion of Mujib Borsho & the golden jubilee of Independence, Bangladesh.
24-05-2021 Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 7625444.00 (475 students)
17-05-2021 PCIU celebrated its 8th Founding Anniversary
19-05-2021 Prof. Dr. Ganesh Chandra Ray joined as 2nd Treasurer of PCIU
11-06-2021 Newly elected chairman of PCIU Trust Thamina Khatun has taken charge from the former Chairman of PCIU Trust Mr. AKM Enamul Hoque Shameem, Founder of PCIU.
15-08-2021 Publishing Souvenir in the name of ‘Shashato Mujib’ on the occasion of National Mourning Day
1-09-2021 Following/Practicing OBE Curriculum from 26 batch from Fall-2021 trimester
21-09-2021 Financial waiver & Scholarship: Tk. 6426205.00 (451 students)
28-09-21 Special Prayer on Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s 75th Birthday
23-10-21 Starting on campus Class after Covid-19 Pandemic
11-11-21 Fall 2021 Orientation Program: Mr. A K M Enamul Hoque Shameem, was present as Chief Guest.
11-11-21 Prof. Dr. Md. Nural Anwar joined as Vice Chancellor of Port City International University.
11-11-21 Award Ratnagarva Begum Ashrafunnesa Foundation Scholarship: Tk. 591000.00 (167 Students)
16-12-2021 PCIU Celebrates the 51st Victory Day 
16-12-2021 Scholarship on Extra Curricular Activities on the Occasion of Mujib Borsho & 50 Years of Independence: 46000.00 (23 students- 16 male & 7 female)
16-12-2021 Financial waiver & Merit Scholarship: Tk. 8585207.00 (482 students)
16-12-2021 Discussion session on Golden Jubilee and Victory Day of Bangladesh
24-12-2021 Prize Giving Ceremony on different competitions organized by PCIU on the occasion of Mujib Borsho and Golden Jubilee of Bangaldesh
24-12-2021 Cultural Program of Closing Ceremony of Mujib Borsho and Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh
2022 07-03-2022 PCIU observed Historic 7th March
08-03-2022 International Womes’s Day Observed
12-03-2022 24th Academic Council held
13-03-2022 28th Syndicate meeting held
14-03-2022 Annual Sports Competition Start 
17-03-2022 PCIU celebrated  National Children’s Day-2022
21-03-2022 Corona Immunization Campaign Organized by PCIU
26-03-2022 52nd Independence Day Celebration
26-03-2022 Annual Sports Competition & Price giving ceremony at Permanent Campus
20-04-2022 Cloth Distribution 
22-04-2022 Iftar & Doa Mahfil at PCIU Campus
12-05-2022 Inauguration of faculty training 
15.05.2022 Quran Khatom & Doa Mahfil on the 4th death anniversary of Ratnagorva Begum Ashrafunnesa. 
16-05-2022 Closing  Certificate Distribution of faculty training 
17-05-2022 PCIU celebrated its 9th Founding Anniversary
21-05-2022 Summer 2022 Orientation Program: Mr. A K M Enamul Hoque Shameem, was present as Chief Guest.
26-05-2022 25th Academic Council held
29-05-2022 29th Syndicate meeting held
06-06-2022 Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md. Nural Anwar visited the Chattogram Medical College Hospital (CMC) to see the victims of catastrophic fire-accident in BM Container Depot, Sitakundu and provided financial support to the injured on behalf of Port City International University (PCIU). 
16-06-2022 A budget of Tk. 39,65,50,000/- for the financial year 2022-23 of PCIU was declared.
17-06-2022 30th Syndicate meeting held
17-06-2022 44th Trust Meeting held
24-06-2022 Inauguration Program of Padma Bridge
04-07-2022 Fire Safety Training Workshop
01-08-2022 Quran Khatom & Doa Mahfil on the 1st death anniversary of Former Founding BoT member of PCIU Alhaj Abdul Khaleque. 
15-08-2022 Observing National Mourning Day
17-09-2022 Fall 2021 Orientation Program: Abu Bakar Siddique, Division Secretary, Secondary and Higher Education was present as Chief Guest.
28-09-2022 Special Prayer on Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s 76th Birthday
29-09-2022 Celebrating 76th Birth Anniversary of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
12-10-2022 26th Academic Council held
13-10-2022 45th Trust Meeting held
16-10-2022 31st Syndicate meeting held
05-11-2022 Inauguration of faculty training
26-11-2022 2nd Convocation
16-12-2022 Discussion session on Victory Day of Republic of Bangladesh
2023 21-01-2023 Spring 2023 Orientation Program: Mr. A K M Enamul Hoque Shameem, MP, Deputy Minister of Water Resources of Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was present as Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Taher, Hon’ble Member of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh was present as special Guest.
06-02-2023 27th Academic Council Meeting Held

32nd Syndicate Meeting Held

Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 38166789.00 (1594 students)

26-02-2023 Annual Sports Held
01-03-2023 Trust Meeting Held
07-03-2023 PCIU observed Historic 7th March
08-03-2023 International Womes’s Day Observed
17-03-2023 PCIU celebrated Birth Anniversary of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day-2023
26-03-2023 Independence Day Celebration
03-12-2023 to 05-12-2023 Evaluation CSE Department by BAETE
07-05-23 48th Trust Meeting Held
15-05-2023 death anniversary of Ratnagorva Begum Ashrafunnesa.
17-05-2023 Founding Anniversary
19-05-2023 Founder Conference Held
23-05-2023 50 Years celebration for Julio Kuri Prize
08-06-2023 A budget of Tk. 41,89,75,000/- for the financial year 2023-24 of PCIU was declared.
12-06-2023 Syndicate meeting held
16-06-2023 Trust Meeting Held
22-07-2023 Summer 2023 Orientation Program: Mrs. Thamina Khatun, Hon’ble Chairman, Board of Trustees of Port City International University was present as Chief Guest.
05-08-2023 Trust Meeting Held
16-08-2023 Academic Council Meeting Held
19-08-2023 Syndicate meeting held

Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 1486661.00 (365 students)

20-09-2023 Trust Meeting Held
25-11-2023 Academic Council Meeting Held
29-11-2023 Syndicate meeting held


Financial waiver & scholarship: Tk. 26650184.00 (994 students)

16-12-2023 PCIU Celebrates the 53rd Victory Day














23-01-2024 PCIU’s Spring Semester orientation held
30-01-2024 PCIU among the best researchers in the world
20-02-2024 36th Syndicate meeting held
06-03-2024 53rdrd Trust Meeting Held
07-03-2024 PCIU observed Historic 7th March
20-03-24 54thTrust Meeting Held
01-03-2024 PCIU celebrated Birth Anniversary of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day-2024
26-03-2024 54th Independence Day Celebration
20-04-2024 30th Academic Council held
21-04-2024 31st Academic Council held
13-05-2024 Workshop for Preparation for accreditation organized by BAC
15-05-2024 Quran Khatom & Doa Mahfil on the 6th death anniversary of Ratnagorva Begum Ashrafunnesa.
17-05-2024 PCIU celebrated its 10th Founding Anniversary
30-05-2024 37th Syndicate meeting held
11-06-2024 Fire Safety Training (3rd time)