Welcome to Port City International University
ফ্যাসিবাদ বিরোধী তথ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শনী, আলোচনা সভা ও পুরষ্কার বিতরণী অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ চিত্রকর্ম, স্থিরচিত্র প্রদর্শনী এবং দেয়ালিকা উন্মোচন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ পলিথিন প্লাস্টিক বর্জন ও পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা র‍্যালি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে || 50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||
Port City International University

Academic Policies

Academic Year & Semester System

Port City International University follows semester system and in this system an academic year will be of 2(two)semesters. The schedule of an academic year will be as follows:


Semester Title of the Semester Duration
Semester I Spring January - June
Semester II Fall July -December
Graduation/Degree Requirements

To obtain the desired degree from Port City International University, a student must complete the minimum required credit hours of his/her respective program as declared by the university and approved by the UGC. Although the passing grade point in a course of every program with major/concentration as per University grading system is 2.0 on the scale of 4.0, a student must acquire a minimum CGPA of “2.50” or higher CGPA to obtain the degree from Port City International University.

Professional Training

Students are interviwed by a mock interview board comprising professionals/employees from different institutes/industries and suggestions/recommendations are made in accordance with their performance (strength/weakness) so that students are benefited and well prepared in finding appropriate job. To find out students’ main drawbacks and limitations to get the right job as the students deserve, on the basis of his/her qualifications and achievements during the program. Students will learn how to write professional curriculum vitae. This course is mandatory for all students of Port City. Students need to register the course in the final semester. Note: Students who are at job will be exempted from the Professional Training.


Students are required to complete their registration formalities for enrollment in the coming semester. Without registration no student will be allowed to attend the classes and it will be considered that the student is absent from the semester. Every student must register in-person.


All students in the undergraduate and master programs will receive advisement prior to registration for each semester. The program advisor will declare courses for different batches and programs before registration and advise students for their convenience. It is the responsibility of each student to comply with degree requirements and general regulations of registration.

Course Load

The university mainly offers courses considering the ability of students and the duration of respective programs. Only incase of repeat/retake courses, the students will be allowed to take extra courses beyond the offered courses in a particular semester. However, he/she has to show valid reasons in this respect. If any student wants to take fewer courses than the offered courses, he/she is to apply to the office/program adviser mentioning the cause of his/her inability.

Prerequisite Courses

If any course has a prerequisite course(s), every student has to complete the prerequisite course(s) before taking that particular course.

Registration Procedures
  • Registration form will be available in the department.
  • Registration form duly filled in must be submitted to the office of the Registrar with Accounts clearance.
  • No registration form will be received without Accounts clearance.
  • No registration will be completed until previous dues are cleared.
  • Registration must be completed within the stipulated period.
  • In extreme cases, late registration may be allowed up to 7 days from the last date of registration with a late fee of Tk.500/- only.
  • To add course(s) to registration a student must submit a supplementary registration form within 7 days of the start of class(s).
  • Students will be allowed to withdraw any of their registered course(s) without any fee within 7 days of commencement of semester.
  • Students may be allowed to withdraw regular/repeat course(s) for valid reasons with withdrawal fee of Tk.300/- per credit hour by the day before beginning of the midterm examination. After the midterm examination, no student will be allowed to withdraw any of the registered courses even if the student does not appear in the examination. Courses once registered for incomplete/improvement can not be withdrawn.
  • Students will have to register the courses for “repeat”, “incomplete” and “improvement” like the registration of regular courses.
  • Minimum 6 credit hours have to be registered in a semester.
  • To take a double major in a program a student has to complete the first major and then apply to the Registrar through the chairman for the second major.
  • Students will not be allowed to change their sections as decided by the authority. Exception may be made only in case of spouses and siblings.
Registration Procedures

In the modern world, proficiency in English is essential. So every student of Port City International University must have proficiency in English. Port City International University offers several English courses for its students to acquire a sound working and technical knowledge of English and thus enable them to prepare themselves competent for national and international job markets. Students, who will not be able to score above 50% marks in the English section of Admission Test, must take a foundation course in English. It is a mandatory course for them and 3 credit hours will be awarded for this course.


Promotion Rules

  1. Student of science and engineering related programs will not be promoted to the next semester if he /she fails or remains absent or incomplete in more than 2 courses out of 5 or 6 courses. In such case he/she must complete those failed/ incomplete courses. It is to be mentioned that student will be allowed for registering those failed/incomplete courses whenever department offers those courses.
  2. Student of arts and social science related programs will not be promoted to the next semester if he /she fails or remains absent or incomplete in more than 1 courses out of 4 courses. In such case he/she must complete those failed/ incomplete courses. It is to be mentioned that student will be allowed for registering those failed/incomplete courses whenever department offers those courses.
  3. If a student has 12 or more credit hours of incomplete and/ or repeat course in his/her total registered credit hours, he/she will not be promoted until he/she completes those credit hours.



  1. If a student fails to register for two consecutive semesters he/she becomes an irregular student and as such his/her studentship is cancelled. So the student will need readmission to continue the studies.
  2.  Studentship of students of undergraduate, graduate or any other academic and professional programs with a GPA less than 2.5 in two consecutive semesters will be cancelled. In such cases students willing to continue his/her study in Port City International University will have to apply for readmission with an undertaking to improve upon their studies signed by the students, counter signed by their parents/guardian and their Chairman of the Department.