Open Channel Flow Lab
The Open Channel Flow laboratory is situated on the ground floor of the B-building covering an area of 1200 sq. ft. the main objective of this course is to teach the student how to measure discharge in an open channel and also to give an idea about some terms and phenomena of an open channel flow which will be used by them in future in practical field.. At present it is well equipped with Tilting flume, Parshall flume, Venturi flume, , sluice gate, broad crested weir to carry out experiments like Determination of state of flow and critical depth in open channel, Flow over a broad-crested weir, Flow through a Venturi flume, Flow through a Parshall flume Flow beneath a sluice gate, Study on hydraulic jump, Development of generalized specific energy and specific force curves, Velocity distribution in open channel, Determination of discharge and mean velocity of an open channel.