Welcome to Port City International University
50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. Honorable Founder of the university Mr. A K M Enamul Hoque Shameem inaugurated the program. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মাননীয় প্রতিষ্ঠাতা জনাব এ কে এম এনামুল হক শামীম এর উপস্থিতিতে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||

Muhammad Ishtiaq

Sr. Lecturer
Department of English

Port City International University.


BA Hons in English Literature and English Language Teaching from Comilla University

MA in English Literature and English Language Teaching from Comilla University


Teaching Area:

  • Classics in Translation -I
  • Classics in Translation –II
  • 20th Century Modern Drama
  • Shakespeare -I
  • Shakespeare -II
  • Old and Middle English Literature
  • Literary Theory -II
  • Elizabethan and Seventeenth Century Poetry
  • Elizabethan and Restoration Drama
  • Seventeenth Century Prose and Drama
  • Elizabethan Drama
  • Romantic Literature –I
  • American Literature –I
  • English Short Stories
  • Business Communicative English
  • Technical Writing
  • Technical English
  • Advanced Reading Strategies and Writing
  • Public Speaking
  • Composition


Ishtiaq, Muhammad. “Homer’s Conception of Honour and Glory in The Iliad.” International Journal of Research- Granthalaya(IJRG)Vol: 7, Issue: 8, pp. 104-110; August 2019, Print.ISSN:2394-3629(P).DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3380025


Ishtiaq, Muhammad. “The Portrayal of Nineteenth Century’s Byronic Hero in Don Juan.Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature (SJELL)Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 10-16; ISSN (E): 2617-1201, ISSN (P): 2617-1732

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47752/sjell.51.10.16



  • Attended at Ten-Day long Trainingentitled Centre for Teachers Development (CTD) at Port City International University, Chittagong from August 17, 2017 to August 25, 2017.
  • Attended at BELTA Day-Long Teacher Development Workshop organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Associations (BELTA) on March 9, 2018 at East Delta University, Chittagong.
  • Attended at  International Webinar organized by TESOL Society of Bangladesh: on How to Publish your Research Papers in Good Journals” 
  • Attended atInternational Webinar on “Reimagining Higher Education:  System-Design-Tools - Institutional Strategies for a Post-COVID-19 World” with Dr. Stephanie Moore, Assistant Professor in Organization, Information and Learning Sciences at the University of New Mexico.


  Research Interest:

  • Postcolonial Literature (South Asia)
  • Diaspora & Partition Literature
  • Postmodern Literature
  • Comparative Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Elizabethan and Seventeenth Century Poetry
  • World Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Technology and Language Teaching
  • Pedagogy in Language Teacher Education
  • Classics in Translation


Milon, M. R. K., Ishtiaq, M., Ali. T. M., & Imam, M. S. (2023). Unlocking Fluency: Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Tertiary Speaking Classes - Insights from Bangladeshi Teachers and Students. ICRRD Journal, 4(4), 218-230. DOI:10.53272/icrrd.v4i4.11

Ishtiaq, M and Afsana Ferdous (2024). Exploring Deviation and Conformity in Thomas Hardy‟s The Return of the Native. Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature, 7(2): 22-26DOI:10.47752/sjell.72.22.27

Ishtiaq, M., Yasmin, A., & Kamal, S. (2024). Diasporic Narratives: Cultural Hybridity, Identity and Multiculturalism in Lahiri’s “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine. ICRRD Journal, 5(3), 101-112.DOI:10.53272/icrrd.v5i3.1