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A seminar entitled “CSE Career Guidelines and Industrial Knowledge” was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Computer Club (PCC) || 50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||

Mr. Prof. Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam

Faculty of Business Studies

Port City International University.


Post Doctoral Research ( 2009)

 Institution: Texas A & M University, Texas, USA

Post Doctoral Research ( 1992)

Institution: SOAS, London University, London, U.K.

PhD ( 1982)

Institution: Punjab University, Chandigarh, India

M.Com ( Management) ( 1973)

Institution: University of Chittagong.

Grade: 1st in 1st class

B.Com ( Honors) ( 1972)

 Govt. College of Commerce

Grade: 1st in Second class


Dr. Md. Fashiul Alam, currently working as Professor, Department of Business Administration & Dean, Faculty of Business Studies at the Port City International University, Chattogram, born in a village of Barabakunda, Sitakunda Upazilla, Chattogram on 5th February, 1952, by profession is a teacher of Management & Business Administration earlier at the University of Chittagong and had been in Feni University, Feni, Bangladesh, during the period from April 16, 2013 to April 15, 2017 as its 1st Vice Chancellor. Some other important academic and administrative posts he held during his professional career are: Chairman, Dean, Provost, Adviser (Academic & Finance), Executive Editor and Editor of Academic Journals, President, Secretary General (Teacher's Association & Federation, Member of Syndicate, Finance Committee, Planning & Development Committee, Independent Director, Hotel Peninsula Ltd, Chattogram & Islamic Bank Bangladesh Ltd. etc. He is going to complete 45 years of his teaching and administrative experience on 31st December 2020.

Dr. Alam obtained B.Com Hons. and M.Com Degree in Management from the University of Chittagong and stood first in order of merit in both examinations. As an Indian Government Scholar, he earned Ph.D in 1982 on ‘Collective Bargaining in Bangladesh Jute Industry’ from the University of Punjab, Chandigarh. He did Post Doctoral from the University of London (SOAS), UK as a Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellow in 1991-92. He was also a Senior Research Fellow (2007-08) at IoBM, Karachi, Pakistan and Visiting Scholar in 2009 at University of Texas A & M, USA.

Dr. Alam is well known as a reputed scholar, potential academia, creative researcher, efficient administrator, dedicated social worker and a man of high dignity and distinct personality. His fields of specialization cover mainly HRM, HRD, Labour- Management Relations, and Strategic Management. Besides holding a long experience of pursuing research in management, HRM, Industrial Relations and allied fields and conducting project work, he is an author 40 articles published in reputed and recognized national and international journal, and also earned experience of supervising M.Phil and Ph.D scholar both at home and abroad. He also holds the fortune of visiting about two dozen countries, attending and presenting papers in a good number of national and international conference, seminar, workshop etc. held in many countries of Asia, Middle East, Europe, Australia and North America.

A. List of Research Publications:  

A. List of Research Publications:                                     


Journal / Place

i) Can Social Business be Able to  Lead Bangladesh to Become a Middle Income Country by 2021?           

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Social Business, Environment and Sustainability, Vol. 1, Issue 1, October, 2015.           

ii) Can Bangladesh Garments Sector Become Global Market Leader Through Competence-

Based Strategic Management?

Competence- Based Strategic Management,

Reviewed Proceeding of the 8th SKM Symposium and 2nd CBSM Conference, Magdeburg, Germany,   September 17-20, 2013.

iii) Rationale of Designing Student-  Employer Centred Courses and Curriculum

Research Methodology, Case Writing & Analysis Skill

Development (Ed.) Vol.-2, Proceedings of Workshop / Training Held under HEQEP Sub- Project, CP No. 124.DMS, University of Chittagong, Chittagong. February,   2013

vi) Tips for Effective Teaching Strategies at the Level of Higher Education in Bangladesh 124.

Research Methodology, Case Writing & Analysis Skill

Development (Ed.) Vol.-2, Proceedings of Workshop /

Training Held under HEQEP Sub- Project, CP No.DMS, University of Chittagong, Chittagong. February, 2013

v) An Appraisal of Management Challenges for Bangladesh

Contemporary Management Challenges Global & Bangladesh Perspectives (Ed.) Vol.-3, Proceedings of Seminar Held under HEQEP Sub- Project, CP No. 124.DMS, University of Chittagong, Chittagong. February, 2013

vi) HR Standards, Road Accident and Trade Unionism in transport Sector of Bangladesh

Contemporary Management Challenges Global &

Bangladesh Perspectives (Ed.) Vol.-3, Proceedings of Seminar Held under HEQEP Sub- Project, CP No. 124. DMS, University of Chittagong, Chittagong. February, 2013

vii) The Dock-Bandar Sramik Karmachari Federation Case

Case Studies for Business Teaching, Bureau of

Business Research, Faculty of Business Administration,   University of Chittagong, Vol. 2, 2012.  

viii) The Bangladesh Garments Sector Minimum Wage Board Case 2010

Global Organization of the Future: New Workforce  Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the AEPP  19th Annual International Conference held at Hawaii,  Honolulu, USA, 5-7 October, 2011.

ix) Episode of Talent Managementin the Public Universities of Bangladesh

Talent Management in the Globalization Era, Reviewed    

Proceeding of the AHRD Conference, IHRD Conference 2010 held at Taipei, Taiwan, 27-30 October,   2010. 

x) Biman Bangladesh Airlines Case

Case Studies for Business Teaching, BBR, Faculty of  Business Administration, University of Chittagong, 2010

xi) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Case


xii) The Bangladesh Garments Sector Case 2009


xiii) Human Resource Development in Bangladesh

2009 AHRD International Research Conference in             

the Americas, Reviewed Proceeding of the AHRD Conference, Arlington, Washington DC, USA,

February 18-22, 2009.

xiv) Learning Organization and Development of Woman  Managers in Pakistan

Human Resource Development International,

Vol. 12 (1), February, 2009, 105-14, UK.

xv) Education and Human Resource Development in Sindh: A Reappraisal

Pakistan Business Review, Vol. 11(1), IoBM,

Karachi, 2009.              

xvi) Community Human Resource Development: A Profile of the Pakistani Bengalis in Karachi

Ethics and Quality of Worklife for Sustainable        

Development, Reviewed Proceeding of the AHRD Conference, Bangkok, November 2-6, 2008.

xvii) Glimpses of Human Resource Development in Bangladesh and Pakistan

Human Resource Development in the Americas ,       

Reviewed  Proceeding of the AHRD International Research Conference held at Florida, USA in  February 20- 24, 2008.           

xviii) HD, HR and HRD in Bangladesh: The Islamic Perspective

Pakistan Business Review, Vol. 9 (4), IoBM, Karachi, 2008.              



xix) Human Resource Development in Bangladesh and Pakistan: An    Appraisal of Contexts and Approaches

Pakistan Business Review, Vol. 9 (3), IoBM, Karachi, 2007.                 


xx) Developing Talents for Organizations and Nations: The Structural Episode in

Bangladesh and Pakistan

HRD in Asia:  Developing Talents for Organizations and Nations, Reviewed Proceeding of the AHRD 6th International   Research Conference, held in Beijing,                                           

2-6 November, 2007.  


xxi) The Structural Scenario of Human Resource in Pakistan:       

     An Appraisal of the Post-1988 Era


Pakistan Business Review, Vol. 9 (1), IoBM, Karachi, 2007.


 Combating Contemporary Management Challenges The Human Resources Perspective

Portfolio, CSE, April-June, 2006


 Human Resource Development In Bangladesh: An Appraisal of the Results of Two Public Examinations

Human Resource Development in Asia: Thriving on  Dynamism and Change, Vol. II, (Ed.) Ismail, et. al., AHRD & Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dec. 2-5, 2006.


 Human Resource Development in Bangladesh: The Episode of NGOs

HRD in Asia: Harmony and Partnership,

KAHRD, Seoul, Korea. Nov., 2004

 Institutional Governance: The Experience of a Leading Development NGO of Bangladesh       

Management Forum 2002, AMDIB, Dhaka 2002.


Trends and Shifts in Market Structure and Marketing Practices in Bangladesh During Post-Liberation Era

South Asian Journal of Management, Vol.-4,

No.3 & 4, 1997


xxvii) Self-Employed Bangladeshis   in East London: A Study of their Business Enterprises.

Chittagong University Studies (Commerce)    Vol. 1I, 1995

xxviii) Profiles of Bangladeshi Immigrants  in The United Kingdom

Chittagong University Studies (Commerce) Vol. 10, 1994

xxix) Labour Unrest in Selected   Industries of Chittagong

Ahmad & Mclean (Ed.) Research Reports, Vol. 1,UGC, Dhaka,' 89

xxx) Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation


Ahmad & Mclean (Ed.) Bangladesh Business

Management, UGC, Dhaka, 1989

xxxi) Nature and Problems of Personnel   Management in Bangladesh (In Bengali)

Chittagong University Studies, Commerce

Volume-3, 1988

xxxii) Unhealthy Labour Management Relations- An Identified  Problem in the Industrial Enterprises  of Bangladesh         

Entrepreneurship and Management in Bangladesh Management BBR, Faculty of Commerce, C. U., 1987                                               

xxxiii) Personnel Policy and Environment-A Study of Concepts with Reference Bangladesh

The Personnel, 1986

xxxiv) Trade Union Leadership in Bangladesh (In Bengali)

The Personnel, 1985

xxxv) Collective Bargaining - A Study of Conceptual Framework

The Personnel, Annual Journal of the Institute of

Personnel Management, Dhaka, 1985

xxxvi) Characteristics of Trade Union Movement in Bangladesh- An  Appraisal (In Bengali)    

Chittagong University Studies, Commerce, Volume-1, 1985

xxxvii) Industrial Dispute Laws in Bangladesh -A Study in Their Development Perspectives

The Cost and Management, Journal of the Institute

of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh,Dhaka, 1983

xxxviii) Some Aspects of Trade Union Structure in Bangladesh

Chittagong University Studies, Part-1,

Vols. V & VI, 1981 –82

xxxix) Collective Bargaining in Bangladesh's Jute Industry

P.U. Management Review, Chandigarh, Vol.iv      

Nos. 1 & 2, Jan.- Dec. 1981

xxxx) International Marketing  Management Practices-A Case Study of Karnafully Paper Mills Ltd.  

'Maneggiare' Annual Journal of the Department of Management, Chittagong University- 1977

B. List of Research Work Done (In addition to 40 research - based articles published in

     national and international journals):


Institutions / Sponsoring Authority

i) Situation Analysis of Workers’ Rights, Livelihood and Trade Unions in Selected   Industrial Sector of Chittagong

Consultant, Research Project Funded by Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies (BILS), Dhaka, Bangladesh,  2016-17


ii) The Present Status of Trade Unions in Bangladesh

Research Study Funded by Friedch Ebert- Stiftung (FES), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2016                                       

iii)  Case Writing Skill Development:  A Conceptual Paradigm           

Bureau of Business Research, FBA, University of  Chittagong, 2010

iv) The Bandar-Dock Workers’ Federation:  Case

Bureau of Business Research, FBA, University of     Chittagong, 2010

v) The Chittagong Port Berthing Case: Chittagong, 2010

Bureau of Business Research, FBA, University of                                                                                        


vi) The Minimum Wage Board for Garments: Workers 2010 Case

Bureau of Business Research, FBA, University  of Chittagong, 2010

vii) Comparative Human Resource Development: The Episode of Bangladesh &Texas

Post-Doctoral Research Monograph,  

Texas A&M University, Texas, USA, 2009

viii) A Study on the Results of Secondary School Certificate and Dakhil Examination in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh

Research Monograph, Commissioned By    

CODEC & Associate NGOs, Sept, 2005       

ix)  Micro-Credit Program in Rangamati:  The Episode of CODEC                                              

Research Monograph, Commissioned by Community Development Centre, March-2004

x) The Management Structure and  Characteristics of Enterprises of  the Self-Employed Bangladeshis in East London

Post-Doctoral Research, Centre of South Asian Studies, SOAS, London University,



xi) Welfare Activities in Chittagong Port

Case Study Report Submitted under BMETP, 1989

xii) The Dock Workers' Management Board Case


xiii) The Marketing Management Practices in Chittagong Steel Mills Ltd.   


xiv)  The Green Mill Ltd. Cas


xv) The Bangladesh Railway Case


xvi) The Moon-Sun Garments (Bangladesh) Ltd. Case



xvii)  Personnel Management Practices in  Chittagong Port

Internship Report  Submitted under BMETP, 1989

xviii) Labour Unrest in Selected Enterprises Of  Chittagong  of  Chittagong                                   

Research Report Submitted under Business Management Education and Training Project    (BMETP), UGC, Dhaka, 1988 

xix) The Bangladesh Petroleum      Corporation Case

The Case Study Report Submitted under BMETP, UGC, 1988

xx) Collective Bargaining in  Bangladesh's Jute Industry

Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Chandigarh, India, 1981