Dr. Hasina Iasmin

Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Port City International University.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Saitama University, Japan, 2016
Master of Engineering (M. Engg.)
Saitama University, Japan, 2014
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, 2009
Research Interests:
- Traffic Planning and Management
- Traffic Safety
- Road Pavement Design
Teching Areas:
Transportation Engineering
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2016) Impact of pavement on speed behavior of turning vehicle on crosswalk at signalized intersection: Brick and Red color. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security (Accepted)
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2016) Safety effectiveness of pavement design treatment at intersections: Left turning vehicles and pedestrians on crosswalks. IATSS Research, Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 47–55
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2015) Yielding behavior of left turning driver towards pedestrian/cyclist: impact of intersection angle. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Volume 11, Page 2146-2158
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2016) Turning gap acceptance on crosswalk: Impact of difference on pavement. Journal of JSCE, Ser. D3, Infrastructure Planning and Management
Conference Proceedings:
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2016) Gap acceptance behaviour of turning vehicle at crosswalk considering pavement design type. Proceedings of 53rd Infrastructure Planning Conference of JSCE, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2015) Effects of different design on pavement and different phase of green signal time on aggressiveness of left turn driver towards pedestrian. Proceedings of 52nd Infrastructure Planning Conference of JSCE, Akita, Japan.
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2015) Yielding behaviour of left turning driver towards pedestrian/cyclist: Impact of intersection angle. Proceedings of EASTS, Philippine
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2014) Examining the effect of intersection angle on the safety behavior of left turning vehicle driver at signalized intersection. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh.
- Iasmin H, Kojima A, Kubota H (2014) Pedestrian safety analysis at a modification of skewed signalized intersection by using conflict study. Proceedings of 50th Infrastructure Planning Conference of JSCE, Tottori, Japan.
- H. Iasmin, M A Ashraf, A. Mohajan, Md. A. Hossain, Md. A. Islam (2020) An Effect Of Guardrail On Congestion Mitigation At Cepz Intersection. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on research and innovation in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh.