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ফ্যাসিবাদ বিরোধী তথ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শনী, আলোচনা সভা ও পুরষ্কার বিতরণী অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ চিত্রকর্ম, স্থিরচিত্র প্রদর্শনী এবং দেয়ালিকা উন্মোচন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে ||তারুণ্য উৎসব -২০২৫ পলিথিন প্লাস্টিক বর্জন ও পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা র‍্যালি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে || 50 new high-configuration PCs were distributed among the faculty members of Port City International University in a program held on July 4, 2024. ||মহান আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামিনের অশেষ রহমতে পোর্ট সিটি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি’র স্হায়ী ক্যাম্পাসের নির্মাণ কাজ দোয়ার মাধ্যমে শুরু হয়েছে। ||আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে ভাষা শহিদদের প্রতি গভীর শ্রদ্ধান্জলি||Dr. Syed Anayet Karim rejoins PCIU after earning his PhD degree from one of the top ranked university named Universiti Sains Malaysia.||Summer Orientation 2023 held ||A seminar held on "Judicial Review of Administrative Actions to Ensure Good Governance in Bangladesh" Organised by Department of Law||PCIU Celebrating 10th Founding Anniversary (17/05/2023)||

Mohammed Abul Kalam Azad (Study Leave)

Sr. Lecturer
Department of Civil Engineering

Port City International University.


M. Sc. in Structural Engineering, 2017

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology-Hong Kong

B. Sc. in Civil Engineering, 2013

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology – Dhaka, Bangladesh



Research Interests:

  • Non-linear dynamic Analysis
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Sustainable Utilisation of by- product materials in concrete.
  • Seismic Design and Behavior of Building infrastructures. 

Teaching Areas:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Design of Concrete Structure

  • Prestressed Concrete


  1. Kabir, E., Rahman, S. M. R. and Azad, M. A. K. “Highway Materials- A case study on Joydevpur- Mymensingh Road”, Port City International University Journal, Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 53- 58, 2015 [ISSN: 2311-3146]


  1. Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad, Sajedur Rahman, S.M. Khalid Chowdhury. “Effect of Lateral Load on Moment Resisting Frame and Shear Wall in Multi-storey Regular Frame Structure”International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 06, Issue 09, September 2019 [ISSN: 2395-0056]


  1. S. Rahman, A. K. Azad, “Investigation on Mechanical Strength of Jute Fiber Reinforced Concrete (JFRC) Compared to Plain Concrete”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 3, March-2018, [ISSN 2229-5518]


  1.  M. A. K. Azad, B. Barua, & A. Hossain. (2020). “Development of Self-Compacting Concrete Made With Locally Available Materials in Different W/C Ratio and Different Gradation of Fine Aggregate” American Based Research Journal, 9(12), 10–16.


  1. M. A. K. Azad. (2020). “A Study on Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Knee Joint in Opening and Closing Action” American Based Research Journal, 9(12), 1–9.


Conference Paper

  1. E. Kabir, M. A. K. Azad, S. K. Pal (2015), “Experimentation of Biomass Pyrolysis of Organic Waste using a Vacuum Pyrolysis Reactor” , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy, 2015 (ICMERE 2015),CUET, PI-154.


  1. A. K. Azad, E. Kabir, M.A. Uddin (2019), “A Study on Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Building in Chittagong City”; International Conference on Engineering Research and Education School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet, 2019, PI-346.


  1. A. K. Azad, S. Rahman, R. H. Chowdhury (2020); “Effect of Sugar on Setting time of Cement and Compressive Strength of Concrete”; International Conference on Research and Innovative in Civil Engineering (ICRICE 2020), Southern University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, PI-131.
  2. S. Rahman, A. K. Azad (2020); “Effects on Properties Coarse Aggregate with Respect to Different Sources”; International Conference on Research and Innovative in Civil Engineering (ICRICE 2020), Southern University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, PI-187.