Office of the Chairman

Port City International University.
I am humbled and honored to take over the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Port City International University from the former Chairman of BOT and founder of PCIU Mr. Enamul Hoque Shameem, MP, the Deputy Minister of Water Resources, GoB. I am grateful to him for his magnanimity, support, dynamic and unwavering leadership that have transformed this university into a high echelon of excellence in just eight years of its establishment. I also take this occasion to thank all the BOT members for choosing me unanimously for this highly prestigious position of the University management. I have already come to know that under the able and sincere guidance of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor PCIU has been pursuing and maintaining its academic activities and quality amid COVID-19 pandemic. We all know how deadly is this coronavirus pandemic and how badly it has affected the lives and livelihoods of the millions of people all over the world. It is amazing to know despite the pandemic PCIU continued its academic activities through quickly adapting new digital technology. Thanks to the students, faculty, officers, staffs and other employees of the University for their sincere and active cooperation. In the days ahead I plan to meet with you as frequently as possible to learn more about your concerns and needs, as well as your dreams and aspirations for our university. We will try to explore how best we can support our ongoing mission of fostering education and research and how effectively we can serve for the humanity and the society.
I want to assure you that we will continue our support and care for the students as they are studying here at PCIU for a better life. I hope by pursuing innovative, long-term solutions to the challenges of the pandemics, climate change, easily accessible remote learning devices and equitable social justice, we can make a world better and safer.