Engineering Materials Lab
In order to design and construct safe, economic structures, engineers must stay up-to-date with the latest methods of structural analysis, new structural modeling concepts for computation, advanced structural design, and structural material technology. The Engineering Materials laboratory provides comprehensive modern facilities for research and teaching in structural engineering, solid mechanics and construction materials.
In Civil Engineering, materials used for structure such as cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate etc. have the foremost importance to ensure the quality of the structure. For getting assurance about the good quality of the structure different laboratory tests are needed to be performed. This Lab manual mainly deals with the common and universal laboratory tests of different types of construction materials. Normal consistency and initial setting time determination of cement; compressive strength of cement mortar; sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregate; specific gravity and absorption capacity of fine and coarse aggregate; compressive strength of concrete; sampling and testing of brick; are described according to ASTM (American Standards for Testing Materials) standards.