Geotechnical Engineering Lab
The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory of Port City International University is equipped with all modern machineries required for advanced research and consultancy services. All the equipments mentioned in the syllabus content of the undergraduate programme can be carried out in the laboratory. The primary aim of Geotechnical Lab is to advance the theory and application of soil mechanics. This laboratory provides both students and faculty members with excellent opportunity to conduct quality research. It is housed in the ground floor of the Academic Building B. Moreover, it mainly deals with the common and standard laboratory tests on different types of soil. To obtain different properties of soil, laboratory tests are performed on collected disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, while field tests are performed on sub-soil at in-situ condition following mainly standard ASTM methods. Field identification tests of soil and laboratory tests like- grain size analysis by sieve and hydrometer tests, specific gravity test, moisture content determination test, organic content determination test, Atterberg’s limits test, compaction test, relative density test and direct shear test may be performed on collected disturbed soil samples, whereas permeability test, unconfined compression test, consolidation test and triaxial test may be performed on collected undisturbed soil samples according to ASTM (American Standards for Testing Materials) methods. In the hydrometer test, the equipments are used to test the soil to determining the fine grained soils contents such as clay particles in a given soil specimen. The Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Test apparatus allows measurement liquid limit and plastic limit of a given soil specimen by conducting test using Casagrande Liquid Limit Device, Tools, Glass Plate, Cans, Spatula and Oven. To determine the unconfined compression strength of soil and shear strength of sand and determination of angle of friction, unconfined compression and direct shear test machine are used respectively.