Transportation Engineering Lab
The Transportation Engineering Division has been providing testing, design and consultancy services since its inception in diverse areas including quality control & testing of highway materials, geometric design of highways, structural design of pavements, field investigations of highway projects, traffic control & management, accident analysis and safety measures, feasibility study of transport projects, preparation & evaluation of contractual documents. Highway and transport specialists of this division have experience in highway materials, highway design, maintenance and improvement work, survey works, transport economics, transport planning & modeling, traffic control & management, traffic safety, GIS and simulation works.
Outline: Course work and research provide knowledge and skills in transportation planning and economics, traffic engineering and design of highway and other transportation facilities essential for the implementation of infrastructure projects.
Facilities: The Transportation Engineering Laboratory enables experiments to be conducted for the design of bituminous and concrete pavements. Tests on subgrade, subbase and base materials, bituminous mix design and roadway capacity studies are also available.
Main equipment: Equipment is available for the identification and determination of the properties of bituminous binders and asphalt mixtures. Penetration testing machine, Los Angeles abrasion testing apparatus, Impact testing apparatus, CBR testing apparatus, Ovens of different kinds etc.